* MUCH MORE about this people group at the JOSHUA PROJECT
"I have placed before you an open door which no one can shut"(Rev. 3:8 NIV). The door for the gospel is open in the Middle East! That door is mainly an electronic one. Radio ministries to Muslims have been in place for some time and continue to grow through Radio Vida (Radio Life), reaching southern Spain and northern Morocco with 24-hour-a-day programming in Spanish, English and Arabic. Short Wave airs Arabic programs one hour daily from the U.K. across North Africa. And satellite radio, Al Mahabba (Radio Love), is a 24-hour-a-day direct to home broadcasting service in Arabic.
However, the newest and fastest growing electronic outreach for the gospel is the Internet. Christian organizations have seized the Internet opportunity to create communities of people who can talk about their faith openly but privately. Strategic Resources Group has reported that Christian websites are receiving nine million hits per month from the Middle East. About 2,000 Arabic language Bibles are downloaded from the Internet each month.
Pray for wisdom and inspiration for programmers and for enhanced communication skills for those interacting with radio listeners and Internet users. Pray for Holy Spirit directed love and boldness for new believers.-JS
1 Sam. 7:12
"Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and named it Ebenezer, saying, 'Thus far the Lord has helped us.'"
Samuel was celebrating God's help in giving victory over the Philistines. This stone became for the Israelites a permanent testimony that God would help whenever they called out to Him. Some Bible commentators have noted that the countryside of Palestine was liberally sprinkled with piles of stones commemorating the Lord's assistance in some time of crisis or need. We, too, need memorials to remind us of God's faithfulness to us and of His demands upon us. How quickly we forget His care and commands in our times of great need!
O Lord, use this prayer guide to remind us not only of Your love for us but also of Your love for peoples who still do not know You.
Source From Global Prayer
Electronic Outreach to Arab Muslims
Posted by
Ministry Of Grace by Evangelist Sabir Ali